About This File
The mod requires a VAPE technique.
The mod adds:
- The ability to set a PIN code for any transport. (operability on modded machines is not guaranteed).
- The PIN code must be entered when re-entering the server / death / removal from transport for ~ 1 km.
- The PIN code makes it possible to lock /unlock vehicles, both remotely ~ 15 meters, and with direct interaction. (the key is set in the game control settings).
- If the car is locked, NO ONE, including the owner, will be able to open the doors, if unlocked, then any player.
- The PIN code can be reset by breaking the door or through a special action, if it is allowed in the config.
The PIN code can be set if:
- The player has started the engine.
- The machine does not have a PIN code.
- Logging. Two levels of logging: (config -> "ImmbLogLevel").
- The first level (the value in the config: 1) - actions with the machine related to modification are logged (installation/reset/cracking of the PIN code).
- The second level (value in the config: 2) - all actions from the first level are logged vanilla (got into the car / started the engine / got out of the car).
- Cool hacking tool name (config -> "Tool").
- Damage to the tool after a hacking attempt (specified in hp units) (config -> "ToolDamage").
- Duration of hacking (in seconds) (config -> "UnlockDuration").
- The chance of hacking (in percent, 0.3 = 30%) (config -> "UnlockChance").
- Will the door break and fall off with a successful hacking (value 0/1) (config -> "DestroyDoorAfterUnlock").
- Can a player who is authorized in the car reset the pincode (value 0/1) (config -> "AllowResetPincode").
- List of steam ID administrators. (config -> "Admins").
- Administration privileges.
- View pin code.
- Reset pin.
Edited by Venom
Compatible version
Terms of use
important! You can use this mod exclusively on pirate servers! Or try to write your own similar "mod code" based on the "code", having previously bought your own models of plane and box textures for your mod!
important!!! It is forbidden to pour this mod into the steam workshop! You will be given a strike on your mod pack!
The mod can be used exclusively on pirate servers or for informational purposes on a local server!
Actions after purchase
The mod consists of two parts, the client part and the server part, which is not required by the client:
All the necessary files for this mod are in the archive along with the mod!