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DAYZ-CODE.RU - Создай свой игровой сервер

PSY DOG - Пси Собака 1.0.0

   (1 review)


1 Screenshot

About This File

Use the Psi dog for your health! The problem with this psi dog is that it is very easy to distinguish it from the original one, and so the functions are the same as the original one from the Stalker itself. You can dig around, it may be possible to fix it, but I use everything working myself, there are no others)




Compatible version


Terms of use

Resale, distribution for the purpose of earning is prohibited.
This mod is forbidden to publish in the steam workshop. If you plan to do this, then only at your own risk.
The mod is suitable for pirate servers and for informational purposes.


Actions after purchase

It's just that there are two server and client files as standard. Downloaded, installed, use!


Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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А для кокай карты данный мод?

Response from the author:

Для любой, без разницы)

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