About This File
Part of the fixed cars from the pack from Vendetta.
The entire simulation module has been rewritten, collision damage has been removed, a cassette and other minor edits have been added.
Cars have become much more dynamic. There are some roughness.
Edited by IMPERAT0R
What's New in Version v2.1
Добавлены авто:
- УАЗ 469
- Урал 375D
- Велоцираптор 6х6
- Каратель
- Инсургент SUV
- Ошкош
- ЗиЛ 130
- УАЗ "Буханка"
- Хаммер
- Тайфун
Compatible version
Terms of use
Resale, distribution for the purpose of earning and copying of this mod is prohibited.
It is forbidden to publish as your mod in the STEAM workshop.
It is allowed to pack in your mod pack.
Actions after purchase
The mod is uploaded to Google Disc in the archive there is a link.
1. Unpack the archive with the mod.
2. Add a mod to your mod pack.
3. Drop the keys you created into the keys folder.
4. Add and register all the equipment on your server.