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AirDrop [Миссия доставка груза самолетом] 3.0.0

   (2 reviews)


4 Screenshots

About This File

Hello everyone I'm looking for this private, paid mod for the community DAYZ-CODE.RU! I'm looking for free!

A mod that adds a dynamic event to the server - AirDrop

The principle of operation:

At the time specified by you, a notification arrives that the plane took off towards Chernogorsk.
The plane flies over Chernogorsk and throws off the box. The box lands, and a second notification arrives that the box has landed.
If a player finds a box, he needs to open it with a lockpick. After the autopsy, a third notification arrives that the supply box has been opened and will self-destruct in three minutes.

You can configure:

1. The loot itself and its quantity.
2. The time of hacking.
3. Cargo drop positions.
4. How many players should be on the server to run this event.
5. The time after which this event should start.
6. The number of zombies and animals.


If you have any problems with the installation, write, we will definitely help.

Compatible versions of the mod 1.18 and higher.


Клиент - сервер

Compatible version


Terms of use

important! You can use this mod exclusively on pirate servers! Or try to write your own similar "mod code" based on the "code", having previously bought your own models of plane and box textures for your mod!
IMPORTANT!!! It is forbidden to pour this mod into the steam workshop! You will be given a strike on your mod pack! 
The mod can be used exclusively on pirate servers or for informational purposes on a local server!


Actions after purchase

The mod consists of two parts, the client part and the server part, which is not required by the client:
All the necessary files for this mod are in the archive along with the mod mod!


Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Мод классный, может кто знает как ботов спавнить от expansion заместо зомбей ?)

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   7 of 9 members found this review helpful 7 / 9 members

Одна из топовых шар, на платоне до сих пор платно весит ?

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