About This File
Radiation pack of objects.
You can alter this mod to suit your needs by editing all the items.
Vodka_Kazaki // Vodka is a simple and inexpensive means of combating radiation in the zone, although it should not be abused. It is not recommended to drink more than two bottles at a time.
dzrp_Rad_X // RAD-X Secret military development of a drug for the rapid elimination of radiation from the body without detrimental consequences. The active substance is unstable, you need to calculate the dosage, no more than 3 doses. Otherwise - lethal. ILLEGAL! STORAGE, USE, DISTRIBUTION STRICTLY PUNISHABLE!
dzrp_Tester // Internal Dosimeter, Dosimeter showing the accumulated radiation in the human body. Disposable needles are required for use.
dzrp_IglaBox // Box of clean needles, Box with clean disposable needles for internal dosimeter
dzrp_Igla // Unused needles Needles for internal dosimeter. Disposable. Sterile. Do not reuse!
dzrp_dmg_Geiger // NOT WORKING Restored dosimeter Device measuring the dose of radiation. A battery is required for operation. Operating range up to 100 μSv.
DayZRP_Doz // NOT WORKING Simple dosimeter A device that measures the power of radiation. A battery is required for operation. Operating range up to 200 μSv.
Geiger-1 // Military dosimeter A device that measures the power of radiation. A battery is required for operation. Operating range up to 999 μSv.
Geiger-2 // Improved dosimeter A device that measures the power of radiation. A battery is required for operation. Operating range up to 400 μSv.
Geiger-3 // Experimental dosimeter Device measuring the dose of radiation. A battery is required for operation.
Compatible version
Terms of use
Resale, distribution for the purpose of earning is prohibited.
This mod is forbidden to publish in the steam workshop. If you plan to do this, then only at your own risk.
The mod is suitable for pirate servers and for informational purposes.
Actions after purchase
Unpack the mod into your mod pack and make a key signature.
All IDs of items are archived with the mod.