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ExoSet-NanoSet-MutantPack-ZmbPack (Большой пак) 1.0.0

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21 Screenshots

About This File

A large pack of mods for nano and stalker sets ...
A large number of colors, varieties of costumes, accessories for them and exoskeletons.
Various mutants.
Idi of all items will be found when unpacking mods or through the admin panel in the game.
The screenshots do not show everything else you will already see on your servers.
With you Like!

Edited by ProHack


Клиент + сервер мод

Compatible version


Terms of use

It is forbidden to transfer or sell this mod to third parties.
It is forbidden to fill in the mod in the steam workshop as your work!
Pack into your mod pack in the steam workshop at your own risk.

Actions after purchase

The archive contains PBOs divided into client mods and server mods.
We read the installation guides on the 100500 forum, we understand how to put mods on your server.

Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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