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DAYZ-CODE.RU - Создай свой игровой сервер

Бункер + военная база 1.0.0

   (0 reviews)


9 Screenshots

About This File

I present to your attention a military base with a bunker.

You will need a punch card to enter the bunker.
Excellent location of the military base.
Added a reservoir on the territory of the base.

Spawn loot points are exposed on the territory of the base and bunker.
To help add loot, write to discord: Krivzer#0001




Compatible version


Terms of use

Resale, distribution for the purpose of earning and copying of this mod is prohibited.
It is forbidden to publish as your mod in the steam workshop.

Allowed to use on your server.


Actions after purchase

Add to your server via Dayz Loader
Or add to the server config


Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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