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DAYZ-CODE.RU - Создай свой игровой сервер

Kamikaze Mod 1.0.0

   (1 review)


6 Screenshots

About This File


A zombie with a suicide vest. 
When approaching it, the indicator will flash faster, and when approaching it by 2 meters or less, an explosion will occur.
After the explosion, the zombie will tear in half and the torso with protruding intestines will continue to hunt you.
After killing zombies from a distance and without damaging the vest, you can use tools (configured in json) to clear the suicide vest and take it for yourself.
When an explosion occurs, guts fall nearby. The list of drop-down items (organs) can be specified in the json config.
The zombie emits a crazy laugh that can be heard at a range of up to 100 meters.
Suicide vest
By picking it up, you can activate the timer on the detonator through a new interface and use it as an explosive device.
The vest can also be cleared using customizable tools, as in the zombie example.




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Terms of use

important! You can use this mod exclusively on pirate servers! Or try to write your own similar "mod code" based on the "code", having previously bought your own models of airplane and box textures for your mod! 
important!!! It is forbidden to upload this mod to the steam workshop! You will be given a strike on your mod pack! 
The mod can be used exclusively on pirate servers or for informational purposes on a local server!


Actions after purchase

Unpack it into your mod pack.


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Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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