About This File
Hello everyone I'm looking for this private, paid mod for the community DAYZ-CODE.RU! I'm looking for free!
DayZ Standalone Ultima MOD
The mod is provided in several parts:
Ultima client mod (for players where x is the mod version).
UltimaClientAdmin client mod (for players where x is the mod version).
Server mods (server only). Quantity: 2.
*Mods are interconnected, both client and server.
**Mods are allowed to be packaged and repacked, provided that after the purchase, you specify in my Discord, in the corresponding topic, a link to your server, and steam. And also in the description of your mod on steam, specify the link to the author, and that you are allowed to pack and repackage this mod.
What is present:
Start menu:
- Added a link to the group in VK.
- Added a link to Discord.
- Added a choice for direct access to your servers! (it is possible to add multiple servers to one menu).
- Added a logo.
- Added a loading screen (picture).
- Added a screen (picture) of rebirth \ login to the server.
- *All the parameters described above are configured for your server!
Debug Monitor:
- Donat.
- Cash.
- Bank.
- People were killed.
- Killed by zombies.
- Fraction.
- Reputation.
- Players online.
- FPS.
- Mission start time.
- Time to restart.
Own currency:
- You can pick up from the corpse by mouse action (search pockets).
- You can put it in the bank (The size of the bank cell is configurable).
- You can transfer to another player.
- You can transfer it to another player.
- You can make purchases.
- *Virtual currency.
Radiation zones:
- Messages about entering the radiation zone (Optional. Disabled in the configuration).
- Messages about leaving the radiation zone (Optional. Disabled in the configuration).
- Items compensating for damage in the radiation zone (Set by the list in the configuration).
- Configuration for devices acting as a Geiger counter.
- In the configuration, it is possible to choose whether the counter needs to be turned on.
- In the configuration, it is possible to choose whether the meter needs a battery.
- The HUD of the counter(Optional. Disabled in the configuration. Displays the radiation level, and the total compensation counter).
- The sound of the Geiger counter (The frequency of the sound increases when approaching the epicenter).
- Own geiger counter that displays the radiation level on the dial.
- The ability to create a faction, for currency, or checks (donat). (Price tags are configured in the configuration).
- The ability to delete a fraction.
- The possibility of inviting players to the faction. (The limit on the number of players in a faction is set in the configuration).
- The ability to expel a player from a faction.
- The ability to reject an invitation to a faction.
- The opportunity to accept an invitation to the faction.
- Displaying the player's name above your head if he is in the same faction with you, and at a distance of less than 1500m.
- The ability to disable the display of players in the faction from the server side.
- Ability to create respawn points for faction members. (The number of points and the cost of creation are configured in the configuration).
- The ability to add a player as a friend.
- The ability to remove a player from friends.
- The ability to display the names of friends in 3D * ESP (The distance is set in the configuration - up to 1500m).
- The ability to write to friends using the Messages menu.
- The ability to write messages to everyone.
- The ability to write messages to a list of friends.
- The ability to write private messages.
- The ability to view the message history, before the restart.
- When logging in to the server, the player sees X (configurable) recent messages.
Safe zones:
- Removed zombies from safe zones.
- Wolves have been removed from safe zones.
- Disabled damage to players inside safe zones.
- You cannot switch to combat mode inside safe zones.
- Displaying the names of players inside the trading zones.
- Notification at the entrance.
- Notification when exiting.
- Disabled pulling the checks out of the grenade.
- Visualization of the boundaries of safe zones.
Shopping areas:
- Above the merchants, bankers, faction managers, there is an inscription (Name, what trades, etc.)
- Interaction with merchants through mouse action (trade)
Construction prohibition zone:
- You can't build.
- Trading can be configured for a certain fraction.
- When selling, the percentage of damage to the object is taken into account, and the merchant will give an amount for it, taking into account the damage!
- The owner of the equipment is considered to be the player who was last behind the wheel, and it is she who is displayed on sale.
- The equipment sold must be within 10m of the player.
- When buying equipment, the key is issued automatically.
- You can't sell equipment if someone is in it.
- It is impossible to trade while inside the equipment.
- When selling an object, all inventory, including a body kit that was inside the object (for example, a backpack, or equipment), will be automatically folded under your feet.
- It is possible to create a "wandering" merchant. - The configuration file is attached. (The time of movement is set up, and a list of random positions for the trader).
- Fixed points of appearance of the purchased equipment.
- The ability to set the required reputation for buying or selling.
- The ability to put X products up for auction.
- The ability to set a tax for the product being put up for auction.
- For the buyer, only the cheapest item in the list is displayed.
- The ability to remove the product from the auction.
Garbage dumps:
- It is possible to specify places on the map inside which all discarded items will be removed.
Trading for donat coins:
- It is possible to allow trading across the map, via a hotkey, or to install merchants in certain places.
- It is possible to link the equipment to the key, having previously bought it from a merchant.
- It is possible to lock the equipment with a key.
- The owner of the equipment is the one who was last behind the wheel.
- After the restart, all the equipment that is tied to the keys is created closed.
- An action of an inverted technique (setting on wheels), if there is a mount. Only to the player who was last behind the wheel.
Master keys for equipment:
- Enabling or disabling the ability to use master keys.
- The time of using the master key.
- Chance of hacking.
- Added a map for players, opening on CTRL M.
- Installing a 3D marker on a Double map.click LMB. (Will be displayed in ESP as well)*If there is a compass in the inventory.
- Removing a 3D marker from a Double-click PCM map.*if there is a compass in the inventory.
- Setting the map marker, with the ability to select the font color and transparency.
- Azimuth display if there is a compass in the inventory.
- Displaying the members of the faction on the map, at a distance from 0 to 1500m if there is a compass in the inventory. (Optional. Configurable).
Renaissance Monitor:
- Added points to select the place of rebirth.
- The ability to add standard respawn points.
- The ability to add rebirth points for currency in the bank.
- The ability to add rebirth points for checks (donat).
- Ability to add respawn points depending on reputation (- )
- *These points are displayed in the players' respawn monitor. Faction points are also displayed if the player is a member of a faction, and the faction has created them.
Death Alerts:
- A separate notification in the window.
Starting inventory:
- It is possible to issue inventory both by UID, and randomly from the list available for this UID.
- Players for whom the inventory config has not been created receive it from the general config.
- In the config, you can specify clothes, things that will be placed in your hands, things that will be placed in hot slots, as well as it is possible to add things immediately in the configuration (i.e. with a body kit, batteries, etc.).
Voting for the day or night from the chat line:
- It is possible to disable it on the server side.
- Upon death, 200 reputation is removed from the player (up to 0 in -). i.e.
- example:
It was 450, it will become 250. It was -300, it will become -100. It was 90, it will become 0. It was -150, it will become 0.
- For killing a player, reputation is awarded 150 in this way:
If less than 200 reputation is removed from the victim (see the example above), then there is no accrual! If the killer had a negative reputation, then the accrual goes to the minus. Example: It was -100, it will become -250 * It does not matter what reputation the victim had. If the killer had a positive reputation, and the victim had a negative one, then 150 Example: It was 100, it will become 250 If the killer had a positive reputation, and the victim had a positive one, then -150 Example: It was 100, it will become -50 It was 1000, it will become 850
- Configuration for reputation, and a monetary reward that will be awarded for killing: zombies, wolves, bears.
Starting positions of players:
- There is an opportunity to revive a player on points registered specifically for his UID, and randomly from the list of available for this UID.
- Players for whom the rebirth config has not been created are reborn from the general config.
- Trading.
- Landing \ Disembarkation to/from the equipment (s).
- Installation \ dismantling (construction).
- Player deaths.
- Enabling \ Shutdown.
- Addition \ Sound reduction.
Auto race:
- Enabling\Shutdown by pressing a hotkey.
- Construction in any place, regardless of the slope of the geodata surface (optional).
- Own electronic combination lock, with the ability to set the number of digits of the code.
Virtual Garage:
- The possibility of installing equipment in the garage (without inventory), with the protection of damage to spare parts.
- The possibility of removing equipment from the garage.
- A setting that allows you to set the maximum number of vehicles in the garage.
- Setting that allows you to set the cost of installing equipment in the garage.
- NPC allowing access to the garage.
- The ability to set a list of objects next to which the garage menu can be opened by pressing a hotkey.
- The ability to set a hotkey to access the garage.
Motivation system:
- Accrual of cash for the time spent online.
PVE mode:
- The ability to enable the PVE mode, with PVP sectors.
- Automatic teleport of the player to the prison (you set the coordinates) if the player killed another player outside the PVP sector.
- Automatic lowering of the rifle, when aiming at another player.
PVP zones:
- They are enabled only in the PVE mode.
- Allow shooting at players (disable the automatic lowering of weapons when aiming at another player)
- Visualization of the boundaries of PVP zones.
PVE zones:
- They are enabled only in PVP mode.
- Prohibit shooting at players (Automatic lowering of weapons when aiming at another player).
Visualization of the boundaries of the PVE zones.
- Server time alerts.
- Sending messages to Discord (you need to create a Webhook)
- Sending messages in Telegram (you need to create a bot in the cart)
- Auto-acceptance of payments through the site to the Yumani game (only in agreement with me. The service is paid - 100 rubles per month).
- I won't describe all the items - I can only say that almost everything works, and many items, such as cash withdrawal, etc. are made specifically for modification.
- The client part of the admin panel is available on Steam (R_27 ), you can download it from steam, and see the functionality in Offline mode.
- They are configured for your server, and I have a rich functionality. additional procedures and functions.
Compatible version
Terms of use
important! You can use this mod exclusively on pirate servers! Or try to write your own similar "code" based on the "code".!
IMPORTANT!!! It is forbidden to pour this mod into the steam workshop! You will be given a strike on your mod pack!
The mod can be used exclusively on pirate servers or for informational purposes on a local server!
Actions after purchase
The mod consists of four parts-two client parts and two server parts that are not required by the client:
All the necessary files for this mod are in the archive with the mod.
Unpack the archive with the mod, sign with your keys.
Add the mod to your mod pack or register separately in your start.bat file.
If you have any problems with the installation, write, we will definitely help.