About This File
The modification makes it possible to customize the appearance on the map of caches with objects that look like an ordinary object from the game, and not a buried pile of earth.
- Choosing the time after which all the caches that appear will disappear
- The possibility of cyclic re-creation of caches (at random positions, according to the config)
- Selection of the number of times that the caches will be recreated (for example, 2 times with a deletion frequency of 1 hour => the caches will be on the map 3 times with a change in location every hour after the server is started)
Setting up sets for the appearance of a cache:
- Absolutely any object from the game can act as a hiding place object, which the player can usually interact with
- The range of the number of items that will appear in the cache
- The probability of an object appearing (from 0 to 1)
Setting up groups of object locations:
- the ability to turn on/off the set
- the ability to specify multiple points of occurrence within a set
- The range of the number of points used with the location of
Edited by ZeTO_o
Compatible version
Terms of use
It is prohibited to sell/distribute this product to anyone other than the current account.
It is forbidden to sell/distribute this product by any means.
It is forbidden to change this product.
It is forbidden to exchange this product.
Actions after purchase
- Subscribe to the discord channel and inform about the purchase (to get access to instructions and updates)
- Add to your server mod and sign with your key