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Random Stash \ Случайные схроны 1.0.0


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1 Screenshot

About This File

The modification makes it possible to customize the appearance on the map of caches with objects that look like an ordinary object from the game, and not a buried pile of earth.



  • Choosing the time after which all the caches that appear will disappear
  • The possibility of cyclic re-creation of caches (at random positions, according to the config)
  • Selection of the number of times that the caches will be recreated (for example, 2 times with a deletion frequency of 1 hour => the caches will be on the map 3 times with a change in location every hour after the server is started)
  • Setting up sets for the appearance of a cache:
    • Absolutely any object from the game can act as a hiding place object, which the player can usually interact with
    • The range of the number of items that will appear in the cache
    • The probability of an object appearing (from 0 to 1)
  • Setting up groups of object locations:
    • the ability to turn on/off the set
    • the ability to specify multiple points of occurrence within a set
    • The range of the number of points used with the location of


Edited by ZeTO_o



Compatible version


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Actions after purchase

  1. Subscribe to the discord channel and inform about the purchase (to get access to instructions and updates)
  2. Add to your server mod and sign with your key


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