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DAYZ-CODE.RU - Создай свой игровой сервер

Inventory Car Script 1.19

   (1 review)


4 Screenshots

About This File

Tired of finding disassembled cars and reaching for the trunk to open inventory? Then this mod is for you!

Briefly about the modification:
Displays inventory when opening any item of the machine.
Prohibits removing items that have NOT been destroyed from cars.
Everything under the hood can be taken in any condition.


Клиент - сервер

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Все версии

Terms of use

You can use this mod in your server modpack.
It is forbidden to re-upload without significant changes.
In both cases, I would be glad if you leave a link to the original)

Actions after purchase

1. Install the mod on the server and client.
2. Register the mod in the server startup parameters in your bat file.
3. Drop the mod key into the Keys folder.

Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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