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HH_Knife 1.0.1

   (0 reviews)


7 Screenshots

About This File

A set of bladed weapons and script for fast cutting.


Edited by Копатыч
Изменение описания.

What's New in Version 1.0.1


Добавил мачете несколько новых ножей, изменил скорость резки.

ACB90 и KM2000 - 0.1 сек; CombatKnife и MCK - 3.0 сек ; DeWalt и rzyas - 5.0 сек




Compatible version


Terms of use

Продажа запрещена. Упаковка и выкладка в стим разрешена.

The sale is prohibited. Packaging and display in steam is allowed.


Actions after purchase

Pack it in your mod, sign it.


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Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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