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DAYZ-CODE.RU - Создай свой игровой сервер

"Старый собор" милитари лагерь 1.17


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About This File

Good day to all, I bring to your attention an entourage object!

Add-on for your DAYZ STANDALONE card.
Add-on for any DAYZ STANDALONE versions starting from 1.01
When installing this modding, the object "Old Cathedral" military camp is ported to your map.

The @BuilderItems mod is required for correct operation.

I also accept orders for mapping, which will be unique on your server.



Дополнение для карты DayZ STANDALONE

Compatible version


Terms of use

1. It is prohibited to sell /distribute this product after purchase to third parties.
2. It is prohibited to sell / distribute this product by any means, except for buying on its page from the author (the current page), including in case of unfair access to the network.
3. It is prohibited to sell/distribute this product by any means if it has undergone significant changes and adjustments on the part of the buyer or any other user.
4. Any copying of the code /piece of code is prohibited.
5. It is forbidden to take any part of the code as a "basis".
6. Any significant modification of the mod is prohibited without notifying the author.
7. Any leasing of server assemblies with installed "franchise" mods is prohibited.

P.S for the particularly smart - you buy the OPPORTUNITY to use the mod on your project, in no case are you entitled to the mod


Actions after purchase

The manual for installing additional objects on the DayZ STANDALONE map can be found at this link: link


Co - authors

Мой продукт

Communication with the developer

В личные сообщения на сайте: @Vendetta

Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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