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Stash Search / Поиск тайника 2.1.0

   (4 reviews)


19 Screenshots

About This File

Product Description:

Stash Search - caches hidden in the game environment.
This mod will introduce variety into the gameplay.


  • 20 types - 3 ranges of caches, 3 types - a range of gifts, 13 typed caches.
  • Cache objects in the form of vanilla objects of the game world.
  • The cache is searched by the "Search cache"
  • action A configurable chance of a cache appearing for each of the types/types (the illusion of changing the position of the caches once per server session is created).
  • Configurable chance of loot appearance for each of the shooting ranges/types.
  • Configurable loot with any attachments for each of the shooting ranges, gifts and types.
  • Configurable amount of loot loss.
  • Configurable quantity in the lot, for example, if the loot is cartridges, water, food, etc.
  • Configurable time of loss of a thing for a search.
  • Random quality of the loot dropped the possibility of configuration of the untouched state.
  • The cache is searched only once per server session.
  • Translation into all languages.
  • Debugging and logging mode.

Cache classes:


Classes of nishtyaks:


Classes of typed caches:

Stash_Typed_Cardboard_Box - cardboard box.
Stash_Typed_Tombstone - gravestone.
Stash_Typed_GarbageBin is a small trash can.
Stash_Typed_Fridge - refrigerator.
Stash_Typed_Garbage Container - garbage container.
Stash_Typed_Kitchen Stove - electric stove.
Stash_Typed_Large Wooden Crate - a large wooden crate.
Stash_Typed_Sea Chest - chest.
Stash_Typed_Wooden Crate - wooden crate.
Stash_Typed_Cashier - cash register.
Stash_Typed_Locker Blue - blue closed locker.
Stash_Typed_Closet - a large wardrobe.
Stash_Typed_BedRoomCase - bathroom cabinet.

Integration Tips:

  • Arrange the caches only in debug mode: debug="true" in order to avoid them being overfilled.
  • It is convenient to arrange caches through administrative panels like VPPAdminTools.
  • Without debugging mode, you can arrange it after 3 minutes of a game session in another set (Builder Objects VPPAdminTools).
  • Caches are static objects (look in the Builder Objects section).
  • If you don't see classes in the list of objects, filter by the Scope value.

Technical features:

The mod is divided into client - server and server parts.
The mod requires an additional. mod - Community Framework (CF).



Edited by RuNet

What's New in Version 2.1.0


Оптимизация кода.
Исправление ошибок.
Переработана механика спавна тайников. Тайники ожидают прочтения конфигурации. Для удобного маппинга: после 3х минут миссии шансы спавна равны 100%.
Добавлено логирование спавна.


Клиент - сервер

Compatible version


Terms of use

The use of this mod is allowed exclusively on pirated servers or to familiarize yourself with the content. To pour into the workshop or pack into your mod pack on licensed servers solely at your own risk!
It is forbidden to post as your work in the steam workshop.
It is forbidden to resell and distribute for the purpose of earning money.

Actions after purchase

1- Copy the StashSearch folder from the @StashSearchServer folder to the folder with your server profile (usually profile).
2- Set the debug mode in the file StashSearchConfig.xml (debug="true").
3- Add a mod to your server and client.
4- Arrange the caches with a convenient tool.
5- Change the configuration: debug="false", the chances of caches appearing, the chances of loot and the loot itself for each of the types.
6- Restart the server.
7- Enjoy the gameplay.

Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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Other products RuNet

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ϟ FasTReFleX

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Мод конечно интересный , но не работает , при обыске тайника ничего не падает и просит связаться с владельцем мода для устранения ошибки , если кто-то знает как это починить напишите пожалуйста мне.

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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

Почему не работает? просит связаться с владельцем мода что бы обыскать 


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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

Годно посмотрим ознакомимся! Ставлю 5 из 5 надеюсь все пойдет на сервере.

Response from the author:

Пользуйтесь на здоровье.

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