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Helicopter Mod [Вертолеты для вашего сервера] 1.17

   (2 reviews)


4 Screenshots

About This File

Helicopter [Helicopters for your server]

I present to your attention free, optimized helicopters (for your server) DayZ STANDALONE.
This mod is suitable for all versions of DayZ STANDALONE from version 1.0 and above. 
Not all models are represented in the screenshots, there are much more of them.

List of models:


There are different colors of models.
It does not require updates.



Серверный - мод

Compatible version


Terms of use

Unpacking, resale, modification, distribution for the purpose of earning and copying of this mod is prohibited.


Actions after purchase


1. Download the "Helicopter Mod_SERVER.pbo" file from this page:

2. Place the file "Helicopter Mod_SERVER.pbo" directly in the folder named "addons" of your server.
[[Example: Your Server Folder\add ons\Helicopter Mod_SERVER.pbo]

3. Download and install the "Free Helicopters" mod on your server.
[Example: -mod=@Free Helicopters;@YourOtherMods] | YourServerFolder\@Free Helicopters

4. Copy the key from the "Keys" folder of the mod, and place it in the "Keys" folder of your server.
[[Example: Your Server Folder\Keys\The Key.bikey]

5. To start the aircraft device precisely aim the start button to display the action.



"duration": 0.05_, - Rotor speed
"Lift_power": 1.5_, - Level of air resistance - for large helicopters feel free to put  
"No_power": 700_, - How much traction the helicopter loses compared to full power
"Full_power": 750_, - The maximum height when the helicopter loses thrust
"side_strength": 1.3_, - Main rotor erosion
"power_before": 1_, - Rear rotor power
"friction": 0.3_, - Coefficient of friction
"Mass": 1500.81_, - Weight
"tilt": 0.5_, - Lateral tilt speed_
"front_tilt": 0.5_, - Front and back tilt
"inclineMouse": 2.5_, - Lateral tilt mouse speed
"front_tiltMouse": 2.5_, - Front and back tilt with mouse
"m_povorot": 0.5_, - Speed of rotation
"Chassis": 0_, Example 0-1- Damage to wheels or support
"Body": 0_, Example 0-1- Nose damage
"Engine": 1_, Example 0-1- Engine damage
"Fuel": 0_, Example 0-1 Tank damage
"Rotor1": 0_, Example 0-1- Main rotor damage
"Rotor2": 0_, Example 0-1- Secondary rotor damage
"kill_z": 0_, Example 0-1- Damage dealt to players
"gasoline_costs": 0.001_, Gasoline consumption to start
"gasoline_restart": 1_, Example 0-1- Filling the tank on server restart
"c_camDistance": 10_, example 0.1-100 - Camera distance
"maxFuel": 30_, Example 0.1-100 - Tank capacity
"m_Crash_dem": 15_, example 0.1-100 - Maximum speed for crash sound
"m_engineVolume": 1_, example 0.001-100 - Engine sound volume
"m_rotorVolume": 1_, example 0.001-100 - Rotor sound volume
"m_warningVolume": 1_, example 0.001-100 - Alarm sound volume
"m_crashVolume": 1_, example 0.001-100 - Crash sound volume


Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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   9 of 10 members found this review helpful 9 / 10 members

Самые нормальные вертолеты которые вообще существуют в DayZ. 

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   7 of 8 members found this review helpful 7 / 8 members

Приветствую, как на хост этот мод поставить?,

подскажи пожалуйста

Response from the author:

Ставите мод на сервер как (заливаете так же в свой мод пак в стим) или (на клиент если пиратка) серверную часть подключаете только на стране сервера. Добавляете в базу id вертолетов вот все.

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