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EnduranceMod 1.2.

   (1 review)


1 Screenshot

About This File

This mod adds stamina to the game. The player can develop it by physical exertion in order to reduce stamina costs for all kinds of actions and increase its recovery.
- 5 levels of development, starting from "zero".
- The ability to customize each level and the speed of obtaining endurance for yourself.
- The ability to give yourself an "infinite" stamina (for players who may find it useful), or greatly reduce its recovery (for players who want a more complex gameplay).

Edited by Kappa
Описание мода.


Клиент - сервер

Compatible version


Terms of use

Resale, distribution for the purpose of earning is prohibited.
It is forbidden to post as your work in the steam workshop.
Pack into your mod pack on licensed servers at your own risk. Designed for familiarization or pirated DayZ servers.

Actions after purchase

Unpack the mod into your server's build or into your mod pack.
Register a mod in your bat file to start the server "-mod=@your mod"

Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

  • Like 44
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  • Confused 1

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