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FishingSkill - навык рыбалова 1.0.2

   (1 review)


5 Screenshots

About This File

Product Description
Client-server mod.(required on both client and server)
The mod is compatible, tested and tested on clean versions of the game
This modification adds the "Angler" skill
Mod Description:
The skill has 3 levels. The first level is considered to be the initial one. Each skill level is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical.
To raise one level, it is necessary to raise both the theoretical and practical part together. Practical skill is enhanced by fishing. Skill points increase during the fishing itself and from the catch. The better the fish you caught, the more skill points.
Ability to adjust skill loss after death \ full\ partial\ without loss
Theoretical skill is improved by reading the books "Fundamentals of Fishing".
Two fish have been added to the mod: pike and perch.

Units of practical skill 200. (can be changed)
Units of theoretical skill 200. (can be changed)

There is a config in the mod, in the config you can add your custom fish, or configure the mod as you like, namely, as well as the client part, where you can set the chance of catching fish or

Valuable loot :
- The ability to set which fish will be caught and with what chance (as well as in the sea or lake);
- The ability to add your own (custom fish through the config, also giving it a chance and integrity);
- The ability to distribute from which level different fish will be caught (for example, perch can only be caught from the second level);
- The ability to set the "catch" of valuable items (any item is set);
- The ability to change the pumping speed of a practical skill;
- The caloric content of pieces of pike and perch fish meat can be changed in the client's fashion;
- The chance of luck of catching anything at all is configured in the client fashion. (See the comments in the file);
- The chance of losing the bait is configured in the client mode (See the comments in the file).

The main client part is obfuscated (there is nothing useful there except the "graphical" part and basic functions).

Edited by ProHack


Клиент - сервер

Compatible version


Terms of use

It is forbidden to transfer or sell this mod to third parties.
It is forbidden to fill in the mod in the steam workshop as your work!
Pack into your mod pack in the steam workshop at your own risk.

Actions after purchase


1. Install @FishingSkill as a client mod (make a key signature)
2. Drop the key in the Keys folder 
3. @ServerFishingSkill - install as a server mod (-servermod)
4. Done

Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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И этот работает под 1.21

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