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CarRadio 1.0.3

   (5 reviews)


3 Screenshots

About This File

The mod adds the ability to play music from cassettes in cars.
• Switch between tracks (next track, previous track). At the end of a track, automatically switch to the next track;
• Setting the on/off buttons of the tape recorder, the next and previous track in the game settings;
• Ability to adjust the music volume separately from the sounds in the game settings (music volume);
• Automatic shutdown of the tape recorder when removing the car, destroying the car, destroying the battery, removing the battery;
• The cassette cannot be removed when the tape recorder is turned on;
• You can turn on the tape recorder only with the car battery inserted.
Problems that cannot be fixed:
• When a person walks away from the car with the tape recorder turned on at a distance at which the music cannot be heard, and then comes back, his music will continue from the moment he leaves. For the rest who stayed near the car, the music will play continuously. Hence the problem with synchronization - the person who was leaving will hear another part of the track, unlike the others. The problem is solved by switching the track (including automatic), as well as turning off / on the tape recorder.
• Those who were far from the car at the time of turning on the tape recorder and will approach the car, or were not on the server at all - they will not hear the music.




Compatible version


Terms of use

Download the client part in the steam, connect as a client mod.

Actions after purchase

Add to Types (file included) cassettes, for their spawn on the map.

Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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   7 of 7 members found this review helpful 7 / 7 members

Благодарю за шару отличного мода) просто супер!

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

5 из 5

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Работает у кого? У меня так музыка не играет....


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· Edited by alex_good_kaban

   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members


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· Edited by sedmoy


им можно спокойно пользоваться не смотря на то что он приватный? прилетит ли от авторов мода? ведь мод приватный. тебя могут спалить при использовании этого мода на сервере

Response from the author:

В описание написано все.

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