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Wheel of fortune - Колесо удачи 1.0.3

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3 Screenshots

About This File

The mod adds a "Wheel of Luck" in which players can win prizes by spending a specific amount of time in the game. The wheel is reset once a day at a specific hour specified in the config.



Compatible version


Terms of use

Mod Features:
- Logs are output to the WheelLog.log file;
- Recording of the time spent in the game, receiving the prize and the date of the last reset of the wheel is carried out in the WheelDatabase file.json, which is created by itself in the SSSWheel folder where the config is located. If necessary, you can reset the receipt of the prize manually, as well as give the prize to the player by specifying the prize ID in the "PrizeID" line. Changing the file of the time spent in the game will not change anything. The value of the time spent from the file is loaded only in case of the player's death.
- The following parameters can be set in the config:
- Enable/disable the mod;
- Required game time in seconds;
- Wheel reset hour;
- Turn on/off the display of the remaining game time on the home screen;
- Turning on/off the sound of the "Drum" from the "Field of Miracles";
- Prizes:
- Prize name (text for the prize panel);
- Item: (You can specify several items in one, in this case, when this prize is dropped, one random item will be selected from all of the specified ones)
- Name of the item;
- Quantity of the item (Quantity);
- Attachments of the item (The exact same class of the item is indicated, i.e. name, quantity, attachments, inventory items);
- Inventory items of this item (The exact same class of the item is indicated, i.e. name, quantity, attachments, inventory items).
- The chance of dropping an item (Can be specified from 0.01% to 99%. !!!But the sum of the chances of all awards must necessarily be 100%!!!);
- Display a notification to all players in the chat if someone has won this item;
- The text of the notification in the chat, if the setting above is enabled (For example, if you write: "hit the jackpot!", then the chat will look like this "[Wheel of Luck]: [player's nickname] hit the jackpot!").

It is forbidden to transfer or sell this mod to third parties.
It is forbidden to fill in the mod in the steam workshop as your work!
Pack into your mod pack in the steam workshop at your own risk.

Use it for familiarization or for writing a similar work based on this work.

Actions after purchase

You can open the wheel window with the Insert button. The button can be configured in the keyboard shortcut in the game settings.
Prizes can be configured in this way, for example, a chest inside which there is an AKM, to which a 30-round magazine is attached, but in which there are 15 rounds. Or a bag that has a saucepan attachment, which contains half a piece of meat, etc.
Attention!!! There can be only 10 prizes! No more and no less, otherwise the mod will not work correctly.
The design of the wheel window, if desired, can be changed by yourself in SSSWheelGui.pbo.


Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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