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DAYZ-CODE.RU - Создай свой игровой сервер



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Product Description

A great addition for the gameplay-changing maps of the game.
A military laptop allows you to use a tactical advantage.

1. This computer is equipped with: 1 special battery.
2. Map to activate the missile strike.
3. Card to activate the psi radiation of zombies.
4. Card for activating the psi radiation of animals.
5. Map to activate the Radar within a radius of 1km from the tag.

1. Launching a missile strike at the specified coordinates.
2. Spawn animals to the specified coordinates.
3. Spawn zombies to the specified coordinates.

1. Launching a missile strike at the specified coordinates.
2. Spawn animals to the specified coordinates.
3. Spawn zombies to the specified coordinates.

The mod consists of several parts:
Server part client part JSON config.

Mod Configuration:
The following parameters are output to the config:
1. Classes of animals.
2. Number of animals.
3. Chance to spawn animals.
4. Zombie classes.
5. Number of zombies.
6. Chance to spawn zombies.


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