About This File
Adds a variety of accessories to your server.
All models are purchased and invoices can be provided at will!
There may be a conflict of slots with other mods, for this a config has been added - for combining slots.
The mod is fully translated into 12 languages
English, Czech, German, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, french, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese
Classname: SRS_GrenadeBox SRS_MilitaryCase SRS_MilitaryCaseMedium SRS_GunrackKit SRS_DoubleGunrackKit SRS_Gunrack SRS_DoubleGunrack SRS_oldlockerKit SRS_oldlocker SRS_oldlocker_Red_Kit SRS_oldlocker_Red SRS_oldlocker_Green_Kit SRS_oldlocker_Green SRS_oldlocker_Black_Kit SRS_oldlocker_Black SRS_oldlocker_White_Kit SRS_oldlocker_White SRS_oldlocker_Yellow_Kit SRS_oldlocker_Yellow SRS_MilitaryLockerKit SRS_MilitaryLocker SRS_MilitaryLockerKit_Green SRS_MilitaryLocker_Green SRS_MilitaryShelvKit SRS_MilitaryShelv SRS_Woodstellagh_Kit SRS_Woodstellagh SRS_ToolsbenchKit SRS_Toolsbench SRS_Toolsbench_Red_Kit SRS_Toolsbench_Red SRS_Toolsbench_Blue_Kit SRS_Toolsbench_Blue SRS_thresureChest SRS_WPCabinet_Kit SRS_WPCabinet SRS_Woodstorage_Kit SRS_Woodstorage
Edited by RUS
Compatible version
Terms of use
IMPORTANT! You can use this mod exclusively on pirate servers! Or try to write your own similar "mod code" based on the "code", having previously bought your own box texture models for your mod, and so on, or find free models!
IMPORTANT!!! It is forbidden to pour this mod into the steam workshop! You will be given a strike on your mod pack!
The mod can be used exclusively on pirate servers or for informational purposes on a local server!
Actions after purchase
The mod consists of two parts, the client part and the server part, which is not required by the client:
All the necessary files for this mod are in the archive along with the mod!