About This File
DayZ types.xml editor
- Edit types.xml files:
- Add/Remove items;
- Edit multiple items at once;
- Change quantity/restock/lifetime of items in percentage;
- Move items to new file (better way to override vanilla types.xml);
Batch editing.
- User definitions (cfglimitsdefinitionuser.xml) and different styles of writing types.xml are supported.
- Load cfglimitsdefinition.xml (and cfglimitsdefinitionuser.xml) to select from avilable flag values.
- Validate types.xml according to cfglimitsdefinition.xml and cfglimitsdefinitionuser.xml.
- Export items to cfgspawnabletypes.xml, random presets or trader config.
- Import items from list of classnames in free form.
DayZ cfgspawnabletypes.xml editor
- Add/Remove items.
- Add/Remove item cargo or attachments.
- Edit amount of damage dealt to the item upon spawning.
- Edit chance of attachments appearing on an item.
- Load cfgrandompresets.xml to select from avilable cargo or attacments presets.
- Validate cfgspawnabletypes.xml according to cfgrandompresets.xml.
- Import items from list of classnames in free form.
Dayz Trader config editor
DayzServerTools supports Dr_J0nes Trader Mod configs:
- Rename Traders
- Add(remove) new categories to traders.
- Add(remove) items.
- Batch edit items.
- Export items from types.xml to TraderConfig.txt.
- Import items from list of classnames in free form.
- Validate config.
- Random presets editor
- Add/Remove presets
- Import items from types.xml
- Import items from list of classnames in free form.
Compatible version
Terms of use
Actions after purchase
Download the file, install. Use it!