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Текстуры в формате Paa - для сета KILLA 1.0.0

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4 Screenshots

About This File

Dear DAYZ-CODE users!, I am a beginner who has only recently learned textures, or rather I am still learning! - Unfortunately, I don't know how to make configs yet! and I provide my developments in paa psd formats! but I will learn soon! I provide all the developments for free - because it makes no sense for such money, brother! I will expand my range - I like to do this! I hope you like it!



Paa - PSD Filles

Compatible version


Terms of use

in order to use textures, you need the "KILLA SET" mod - it costs 300 rubles from the author of "Maximuss" 
There are no restrictions on the use of textures - do what you want with them!


Actions after purchase

Buy the "KILLA SET" mod and install it - then replace the textures


Co - authors

Текстуры мои.

Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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