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Sobr Weapons Pack 1.21


   (1 review)


24 Screenshots

About This File

We are pleased to introduce you to an impressive new Weapon pack from the creator of SobrMods. Aimed at providing top quality weapons for your game, this pack includes a variety of pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, rifles, machine guns and edged weapons. Especially for you inside the package you will find well-known and everyone's favorite Glock 18c, Colt 1911, Desert Eagle, Remington 870, SPAS-12, HK MP5-A4, 9A-91, PPSh-41, AK-74M, M4A1 and many others. Together the pack contains about 200 different items in total.

In addition, the package also includes a lot of attachments for customizing your weapons. You will be able to change the characteristics of your weapon and customize it as you like. The cost of this set is 3500 Rubles, however, a special price of only 3000 Rubles is offered for members of this group. Please note that this is a private offer and you are not allowed to distribute or resell these models. You are only authorized to use them in the mod you specified when purchasing. Please read carefully what is included in the bundles before purchasing. We are confident that this package will provide you with the ultimate gaming satisfaction. Don't miss your chance to improve your game today!

Glock 18c.
Colt 1911.
Desert Eagle.
Remington 870.
Submachine guns:
HK MP5-A4.
Assault rifles:
M4A1 .
MDR 5.56x45.
MDR 7.62x51.
Pindad SS2-V5.
M14 EBR.
AK Alpha.
CMMG Mk47 Mutant.
M14 DMR.
VPO-215 Ermine.
HK G28.
T5000 Orsis.
M2010 Snowy Owl.
Mk18 Mjolnir.
Remington Model 700.
Machine guns:
Cold weapons:
Samurai katana.
Soviet saber.
Sledgehammer made of rods.


The modification is constantly updated.


Edited by Sobranskiy
Изменение информации.



Compatible version


Terms of use

1) With whom the transaction was made - that owner.
2) When repacking the modification, your mod must have the name of the project.
3) It is not allowed to transfer/ resell (if the owner changes, you must write to me).
4) Updates when a new patch is released, provided that something has broken, as well as updates with new content (if I do something new myself) - for free.
5) For any incompatibility with some other mod, I do not answer the way I do under pure DayZ (but I will help if possible).
6) There will be updates while I'm doing this.


Actions after purchase

Pack into the client modification of the server, start the server and enjoy life.


Co - authors

Моя модификация

Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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Other products Sobranskiy

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Что  я хочу сказать, раздумывал нам оружейным паком для своего сервера, но ценник обычно кусается, но тут после долгого застоя. Мне попался данный мод, по скриншотам все выглядело просто а"енно, единственное, что я не понимал, почему такой маленький  ценник. Но отринув все дурные мысли и пойдя по принципу "кто сыт- тот гибнет". Я был приятно удивлен полученным результатом, так как ценник данного пака должен быть на пару если тройку к выше, так еще по мимо этого со мной связался создатель мода, и сам уведомил, что он внес фикс в мод и желательно обновится. В дальнейшем  создатель будет пополнять мод в ближайшем обновлении если это не будет фикс, то этот мод посетит 4 новых ствола. Покупая данный пак вы не о чем не пожалеете. Однозначно рекомендую к покупке. Респект автору.

Response from the author:

Спасибо большое за отзыв! Приятного использования!

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