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DAYZ-CODE.RU - Создай свой игровой сервер

Custom colored HUD VERSUS Version v1

   (1 review)


6 Screenshots

About This File

Custom color HUD version of the VERSUS server.

- Information panel.
- Interaction bar.
- Character status icons - fracture, disease, treatment, etc.
- Temperature, food and water are static (Do not display status)
- Health and blood bars.
- Dashboard.

I used this hud on the VERSUS server.
I'm putting it in the public domain, maybe someone will need it.
If anyone needs it, you can remake it for yourself.



Клиент - сервер

Compatible version


Terms of use

Resale, distribution for profit and copying of this mod is prohibited.
It is forbidden to publish as your own mod in the STEAM workshop.

It is allowed to pack in your mod pack.


Actions after purchase


1. Unpack the archive with the mod.
2. Sign
PBO with your key and add the mod to your mod pack.


Co - authors


Communication with the developer

Discord: _1mperat0r_

Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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Отзывы пользователей

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   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Very nice, it works great an looks so good.


Response from the author:

Thanks for the 5 stars my friend. 😉

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