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Simple Storage v1

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About This File

Simple Storage - personal storage, the contents of which are visible only to the player.
An immovable chest for everyone - personal contents for everyone.

Has only one capacity option: 10x10 = 100 slots.
(You can change it to your liking by changing the cargosize value in the config)

Classname of immovable chest: IMP_SimpleStorage

This mod was created based on the PersonalChest mod.

The mod is divided into client - server and server parts.
The mod stores all data in the server profile folder (SimpleStorage) in the format - SteamID.json.



Клиент - сервер

Compatible version


Terms of use

- Forbidden reselling, distribution for the purpose of earnings.
- In the Steam workshop, pour a pack at your own fear and risk in your mod.
(There is a high probability of getting -Strike.)

- On pirate servers, use without problems!
- Use this mod and the whole code, as an example for training and for introductory purposes.


Actions after purchase

1. Mod settings:
- Unpack the archive with the mod.
- Install the server part as a server mod.
- Sign the client PBO with your key and add the mod to your mod pack.

2. Chest settings:
- Install the IMP_SimpleStorage chest using the admin panel (VVP in my case) at any desired point.
- Or we install it in any other way in the right places through the object spawner.


Co - authors


Communication with the developer

Discord: _1mperat0r_

Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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