About This File
A server mod that allows you to create:
- modified spawn characteristics (life, blood, thirst, hunger, shock)
- modified spawn characteristics for VIP players (life, blood, thirst, hunger, shock)
The setup involves editing json files, as in all standard modifications. The appendix contains instructions for installing and configuring the mod (with sample files)
Edited by ZeTO_o
What's New in Version 2.0.0
Исправлена ошибка с настройкой уровня еды при спавне. А так же рядом с pbo в архив добавлена подробная инструкция по установке и настройке мода
A bug with setting the food level during spawn has been fixed in mod. And also, next to the pbo, detailed instructions for installing and configuring the mod have been added to the archive
Compatible version
Terms of use
It is prohibited to sell/distribute this product to anyone other than the current account.
It is forbidden to sell/distribute this product by any means.
It is forbidden to change this product.
It is forbidden to exchange this product.
Actions after purchase
Add to your server as a server mod and subscribe to discord for support and updates