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DAYZ-CODE.RU - Создай свой игровой сервер

DeathMatch [Cherno] 0.4

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8 Screenshots

About This File

 Hello, there is an assembly of the deathmatch server on the map of Chernorussia (for an additional fee I can implement Namalsk, etc.).

Client Mods:


- clientmod (self-written mod, interface and other scripts, KillFeed is integrated into it)
- leaderboard (it speaks for itself)
- SchanaModParty (party mod)

Server Mods:


DMServer (deathmatch mod, responsible for all the main functionality of the mod)
- KillFeedServer (killfeed)
Sobr_Foolproof_Admin (removes everything from VPPAdminTools that is better not to spawn)
- GainZ (increases server FPS)

Assembly Features:
- Modern in-game interface
- Hints inside the boot screen
- Each login to the server has a new boot screen
- HP Boost Injector
- Easily add your own sets, locations and more!
- Distribution of players to regular, VIP, Admin (implemented through CustomSpawnPlayer, the script has been finalized and improved)
- Retexture, the assembly has a couple of sets of retexture clothes
and more...

Communication with me:


You can contact me in Discord or Telegram (preferably).
TG: t.me/eas1ly
DISCORD: eas1ly


Edited by eas1ly
language support


клиент и сервер моды

Compatible version


Terms of use

It is allowed to use it on one project.

It is forbidden to transfer/sell to third parties.


Actions after purchase

Contact me in telegram t.me/eas1ly


Co - authors

мой продукт

Communication with the developer

Telegram: eas1ly | Discord: eas1ly

Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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