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Berezino Military Base 1.2


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5 Screenshots

About This File

An addition to the standard Berezino.

Adds to the territory of Berezino - a military base on the shore entrance through a small tunnel.

The location was made as an additional mapping.

The archive contains files - dze, xml


What's New in Version 1.2


- Убраны ненужные текстуры.

- Исправлены левитирующие текстуры.

- Добавлены новые текстуры для антуража.

- Добавлены зомби на локацию ( Файл будет в архиве ).

- Добавлено более 900 новых предметов ( Было 370 ).




Compatible version

1.23, 1.24

Terms of use

The buyer has the full right to use and change the product to his taste.
The buyer cannot sell / transfer the product to third parties.


Actions after purchase

1. Unpack the archive. 
2. Install mapping on the server.
3. Transfer lines from the xml file in the archive to the mapgrouppos file in the server files (optional).
For help, contact Discord: black_lune or .xacke


Co - authors


Communication with the developer

.xacke, black_lune

Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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