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Пак с модом на машины / Pack with a mod for cars 1.18

   (11 reviews)


24 Screenshots

About This File

Dear friends, I'm looking for a big pack with 28 mod machines for you. The screenshots do not show all types and their colors, look already on your server when adding or through the admin panel.
You will also need to redo the "numbers" of the machines to your own, since I'm searching from my server. I don't have time to redo the "numbers" for your projects, who will need to do it is not difficult. Also, you yourself will add this technique to your database and register it on the server in your build and trader if you have one. The archive that you download contains only the mod pack itself.
This mod pack is suitable for any version of the game from 1.0 above.


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Все версии

Terms of use

Resale, distribution for the purpose of earning and copying of this mod is prohibited.
It is forbidden to publish as your mod in the steam workshop.

It is allowed to pack in your mod pack.

Actions after purchase

important! Since the archive weighs quite a lot, the mod is uploaded to Google drive in the archive that you download there is a link.
1. Unpack the archive with the mod.
2. Add the mod to your mod pack or register separately in your start.bat file.
3. Drop the keys you created into the keys folder.
4. Add and register all the equipment on your server.

Co - authors


Communication with the developer


Acceptance of the terms of the trading platform

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Отзывы пользователей

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Пак отличный, но на тех авто которые меня интересовали просто отсутствуют колёса 200 крузак пример, нет колёс совсем, как решить задачу?

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   16 of 17 members found this review helpful 16 / 17 members

Хороший пак авто

А на лицензии можно использовать?

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   8 of 9 members found this review helpful 8 / 9 members

Добротный сет, но некоторые машины очень странно себя ведут, не разгоняются или не едут вовсе. Бывалые, наверное, найдут решение.



Так же хотелось бы уточнить, возможно ли сюда как то музыку поставить?


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   14 of 17 members found this review helpful 14 / 17 members

Здравствуйте, есть вариант обновления до 1.19 прост половина машин корректно не работают


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   14 of 17 members found this review helpful 14 / 17 members

Можно ли использовать не на пиратке? страйканут или нет?

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   15 of 19 members found this review helpful 15 / 19 members

отличная подборочка

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· Edited by Mistiqh

   7 of 9 members found this review helpful 7 / 9 members


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   13 of 17 members found this review helpful 13 / 17 members

Сильный сборка!

Response from the author:

да не за что) пользуйтесь.

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   4 of 6 members found this review helpful 4 / 6 members

Пак достаточно хороший, но если его дорабатывать.

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Вопрос дня как мне получить этот долбаный ключ я распокавал вписал ее но на лицухе он просит найти этот мод 

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Спасибо за пак. Если засунуть транспорт в свой пак, страйканут?

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